Friday, March 20, 2009

Penguin Play Awards!

Hey! Well, the Awards are here and that means it's time to vote! You can vote at the Plaza. Well, here are some pics of the items available. And also there is a secret room at the Stage(Sorry, For Members). Well here are some pictures.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Snow Sculpture Contest!

Hey! Well there is a Snow Scultpture Contest starting March 20. Your goal basically is to 5 sculptures around the island. And each week scultpures are going to be dislplayed.

Penguin Play Awards Update

Hey, well there's a new update for the Penguin Play Awards. They are going to choose the top 5 plays from 2008. And then catagorize them. Well here are some pictures of the nominees.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 2009 Catalog Cheats!

Hey! Well here are some of the Catolog Cheats for March 2009.

Penguin Play!

Hey! Well they are currently making a new play at the stag but right now it's under construction. So, what play do you thin they are going to do next. Try to take a guess...

March Party!

Hey! Well there's a March Party going on from March the 13 to the 19. Their is a pin at the mountain and a secret room located at the forest(sorry, only for members). Be sure to check it out!