Hey! Well, the Awards are here and that means it's time to vote! You can vote at the Plaza. Well, here are some pics of the items available. And also there is a secret room at the Stage(Sorry, For Members). Well here are some pictures.
Hey! Well there is a Snow Scultpture Contest starting March 20. Your goal basically is to 5 sculptures around the island. And each week scultpures are going to be dislplayed.
Hey, well there's a new update for the Penguin Play Awards. They are going to choose the top 5 plays from 2008. And then catagorize them. Well here are some pictures of the nominees.
Hey! Well they are currently making a new play at the stag but right now it's under construction. So, what play do you thin they are going to do next. Try to take a guess...
Hey! Well there's a March Party going on from March the 13 to the 19. Their is a pin at the mountain and a secret room located at the forest(sorry, only for members). Be sure to check it out!
I've been a member of Club Penguin for 2 years. I'm a secret agent and a tour guide. My name on Club Penguin is Angelica 808. My favirote game on Club Penguin is Cart Surfer.